Thursday, July 23, 2020

umi no hi

Today is Umi no Hi (Ocean Day)...

The holiday was actually supposed to be observed on Monday, but since we were supposed to have the Olympics, they moved the holiday to today so that many people could participate in the events, volunteer, etc.

Well, with the way things have been going, all the other prefectures are allowed to travel and we are staying put so I am sharing a couple of photos from the past....

The Okhotsk Sea...taken from the beach near Shiretoko Iwaobetsu Youth Hostel (pre blog) at sunset.

And the Pacific Ocean from the Palau Pacific Resort at sunset.

Hoping we will all be able to travel safely & soon,


  1. oooh, this is nice! can add it to World Ocean Day on June 8th now 🐬🐬🐬

  2. The best laid plans of mice and men . . .

  3. Lovely photo Kat! Thanks for sharing.

  4. Didn't know there was a World Ocean Day Rowena, thanks for the heads up!

    sad yeah Jalna :p

    you are welcome Kirk :)

    Take care everyone.


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