Wednesday, August 05, 2020

7 years

7 years...wondering what you would say about this pandemic.

Family friend, D, mentioned yesterday that this was the first summer I wasn't going to be in Hawaii...

I thought about it and it is the 1st time in the 19 years that I have been living in Japan that I won't be going to Hawaii...

Wear a mask, social distance and hopefully we can all meet up in person soon.

Miss you Mom.


  1. so frustrating can't travel in both directions. Although, if you're willing to put up with the 14 day quarantine, I hear you can fly to West Coast 1st and then to Hawaii.

    7 years seems so long yet not. Aside from the pandemic, wonder about all the other changes she would have seen. Interesting to thing about.

    Take care, stay safe.

  2. We were supposed to visit the Missus's parents this year....but had to cancel. There's just no sense to spend our entire stay in quarantine. Hoping things get better soon.

  3. The years seem to go by so fast. Thinking of you. Stay safe.

  4. very frustrating V, I'll wait until that quarantine period isn't required though...14 days in Hawaii, and then 14 more in Japan...

    bummer Kirk, but better to be safe, and yes, not have to spend your entire time in quarantine.

    Thank you Jalna :)

    Take care everyone.


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