Friday, August 07, 2020


Yesterday, I needed to pick up a few things at Takeya, so since I was in the area, I thought I'd check out the lotus flowers at Shinobazu Pond too.

I think I was a little too late this year because there were not many flowers to be seen.
After picking up the items I needed from Takeya, I stopped off at Tokyo Station to check out their newly renovated Gransta area.

Satoshi and I had these amiyaki niku (grilled meat) bento from Niku Oroshi Kojima.

Rice topped with teriyaki style grilled beef ...delicious!

Our temps have been blazing and the humidity has not helped either.

It is bad enough that we need to worry about COVID-19 but also need to worry about heatstroke.

Hope you have a safe weekend.


  1. Hope you manage to keep cool Kat...I know having your AC work without dripping now helps! ;o)

  2. You're so lucky that you can go to Takeya just like that *snap*. LOL.

  3. Sure hope I get to brave that awful heat and humidity again someday ;) to see the irises, lotus, hydrangeas. Anything. So desperate to go to Japan I'll brave rain, heat or humidity, whatever! Ahahaha

  4. ha ha thanks Kirk :)

    I don't linger in the store Jalna, in out and then back home:)

    you will V, this virus is not worth getting sick over.

    Take care everyone.


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