Monday, August 31, 2020

janie's apple orchard

There is a program that Satoshi and I watch about the different foreigners living in Japan.

Each episode features a foreigner showing the area that they live and the reason they came to and now live in Japan.

Some have lived in Japan a long time, some have not.

We really enjoy this show because it shows Japan through a foreigner's perspective.

One episode featured US expat Janie.

She lives in Nagano and is making and selling her US style apple butter and apple sauce under the brand name Janie's Apple Orchard.

She came upon our tiny blog and the post I wrote about Japanese style apple butter

In that post I had written that I had never tried US style apple butter. 

Unlike Japanese apple butter, US style apple butter uses no dairy, just apples and a few other ingredients.

She wrote to us and asked if she could send us some of her apple butter and apple sauce to try.

I was excited to be contacted and eager to try her products.

Her apple butter is smooth and the only other ingredient beside apples is cinnamon.

Slightly sweet, this was delicious!

I think eating this with pork or chicken would be nice too.

Her apple sauce was delicious too.

Sweetness only from the Fuji apples and with some texture to it.

This would be good on plain yogurt.

It is also the perfect size to put in with your bento for dessert.

I'm glad Janie contacted us and that we got to try her products.

Where most other brands add preservatives and extra sugars, Janie's is just apples.

As her website says, her products are "Simple, Natural, Good".

Thank you Janie!

Disclaimer: I received these products from Janie in return for an honest product review. I was not compensated and the thoughts and opinions written here are my own.


  1. Very nice! Is the show "Cool Japan"?

  2. No K, it is a Televi Tokyo show called "why I live in Japan"

    Indeed Jalna :)

    Take care you two.

  3. Nice Kat.....I was starting to type "nice find"...but realized she found you! ;o)

  4. Kirk, we were really lucky :)

    Take care.

  5. I've never had apple butter either (with or without dairy butter) because I prefer the butter to be separate from the fruit; fantastic that you got to taste this though!

  6. I agree Rowena, it was delicious!

    Take care.


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