Tuesday, September 01, 2020

new month new things

It's a new month, but can we back up a couple of days so that I can show you this?!

It is called an anvil cloud (cumulonimbus incus) or kanatokogumo in Japanese.

When I looked out the window on Sunday, I was surprised to see it, scary looking yeah?!

The weather dude said if you happen to see a cloud like this, take cover because besides heavy rain, there could be lightning...um, yeah..

So...it's the start of a new month...Satoshi's workplace was supposed to change from Shinbashi to Kamiya-cho, which isn’t far from each other, just the train lines are different.

He was bummed because he wouldn't be able to eat lunch at Hibiya Park and would need to change his commute route...

Then yesterday he told me that they didn’t need to move (Actually the office he is at is always changing what they do, he said it is super frustrating not knowing, and says he’ll be working “for love” (no overtime pay) & less salary.)...

So he will still be able to eat at Hibiya Park and go to work on the same trains that he's been riding.

BUT his schedule changed so he has to work on some weekends and holidays.

Which means “normal” weekend days or holidays could end up being a “weekday”.

I’m pretty good at waking up early, but with the inconsistency of days off, I hope I’ll be able to wake up when I need to...what will probably happen is I'll wake up everyday at the same time and just take a nap when needed...

You may have heard, but in a couple of weeks, we’ll have a new Prime Minister.

What surprised me was the way they will choose the new Prime Minister.

Who knew the politicians in the ruling party (Liberal Democratic Party) were as cliquey and catty as those people you see on a reality show?!

Whoever gets chosen (the people in the ruling party get to decide), I hope he/she has an idea of which direction we need to go to beat this pandemic.

I'm hoping for cooler weather soon..it has been so miserable, plus typhoons have started to pop up here and there, so there is just another thing we all need to worry about...

Hope you are all hanging in there.


  1. When I saw the news about the Prime Minister, I gasped. LOL. Hope he's doing okay.

  2. It's September! Funny how other years we're all complaining how the year is going by so quickly. This year, can't get it over with fast enough!
    So many changes and things going on. Poor Satoshi. It's very stressful having so many changes at work, having to move, change jobs, change schedules. I wonder if having weekdays off would be good not having to fight weekend crowds.
    Yup, and it's typhoon season too! Been seeing about the one in Okinawa.
    Stay cool, stay hydrated!

  3. Hope so too Jalna.

    The typhoon in Okinawa is doing some damage, and there is another one heading for Honshu this weekend, V!

    Take care you two.

  4. Cool shot of an anvil cloud, usually in the mid west they are precursors to tornadoes too, so they are not a good sight. Read your thoughts on apple butter, how interesting. My boss got me one on his mainland trip and I really like it but only use it on toasted stuff. -N

  5. I think I might pinch your post headline if I can't think of something in the next 10 minutes (I have wordpress open but my mind is blank!)

    I heard the news about your PM resigning but not much more than that--how strange the way they choose a new one!!

  6. ooh that is good to know about the tornadoes and anvil cloud, N!

    I agree that it is strange how the choose Rowena, it is almost like a school election, who is most popular.

    Take care you two.

  7. Man, those work changes suck Kat.....and that cloud is kinda scary. Take care and be safe!

  8. Kirk, we are grateful he has work.

    Take care.


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