Monday, August 17, 2020

the gyoza snob

I am a chocolate and coffee snob, Satoshi is a gyoza snob.

He says he hasn't found a gyoza that he likes in Tokyo.

One day when I was looking at my favorite supermarket's ad, I noticed they had frozen Min Min gyoza on sale.

Min Min is a popular place in Osaka...of course, the gyoza snob loves Min Min's gyoza...he also loves Kyoto Ohsho.

So, I didn't tell him I bought this...

Instead I cooked up half the batch and kept the rest in the freezer for another meal.

After he took his first bite, he looked at me and said, "is this Min Min gyoza?!"

My secret was out...He's knows his stuff yeah?!

I noticed they have a couple of shops in Tokyo, so we’ll check them out when it is safe to eat out.


  1. OMG, crazy that he knows! He must be so happy! Take care Kat! Mich

  2. right Mich?! hope you guys are doing well!

    Take care.

  3. Amazing! A friend here who goes to Japan often said Japan's worst gyoza is still better than Hawaii's best. I ate a pretty bad one in Ikebukuro, LOL

  4. I think Satoshi would prefer the label "Connoisseur" Kat! ;o)

  5. lol!!! he sure knows his stuff alright! I am a wine and cheese snob for sure.

  6. that is funny V!

    okay Kirk :p

    lol Rowena :)

    Take care everyone.

  7. I thought otaku stuff like this only was manifested on wacko TV programs. There's one in every family!

  8. yeah fanaticism is a thing here Saburo :)

    Take care!


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