Wednesday, September 02, 2020


Came across this squash called Korinki.

At first, I thought it might be called an Acorn Squash in English, but upon researching, I found out it is a relative of Red Kuri Squash.

It is teeny about the size of a baseball.

The outer peel was not as thick as squash and the seeds inside were more like a cucumber, which is why most Japanese recipes online use this to make pickles or use it raw in salads.
I put half of it into our green curry last night and plan to make pickles with the other half.


  1. sounds good. Did it taste like kuri or is it just because of the shape?
    I just saw Starbucks Japan is bringing out a kuri chocolate drink. Sure miss the kuri!
    My only resort now is to buy the kuri gohan mix in the Japanese stores here but they don't put enough kuri!

  2. oooh...this is new to me, and perfect size too for 1 or 2 servings.

  3. V, it didn't taste like kuri, I think they call it kuri because of the shape.

    Rowena, I agree it is a nice size to "just try".

    Take care you two.

  4. Looks good KAt! Red Kuri's are delicious, so this must be good.


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