Thursday, September 24, 2020

physical during pandemic

Yesterday I went for my physical.

It's been 2 years since the last one and of course, this time around with the pandemic, things were done were a bit different.

For one thing, the amount of people getting tested was lessened.

Your temperature is taken before entering the waiting area, you must sanitize your hands with a spritz of antibacterial spray and masks must be worn at all times.

I don't know if I told you, but before starting the physicals, everyone changes into the same sweat-like clothing so that they can do the tests without having to wait for you to undress.

After a test is performed the area that the patient touched as well as the medical staff touched is wiped down with alcohol.

Even when doing the mammogram and when doing the barium test, we had to wear masks.

The only time I took my mask off was to drink the barium.

I get back my results in a couple of weeks, hopefully everything will be okay.

Afterwards, I went across the street to check out the Tokyo Gransta area. 

They also opened up a new area called Tokyo Gift Palette.

I wanted to try these Soles Gaufrette which is a brand started by BAKE

Chewy buttery waffles filled with butter cream with bits of granulated sugar that gives a little "crunch" and a rich vanilla jam.

While this was tasty, I didn't care for the chewy texture but I'm glad we tried them.

I also went to Daimaru Department Store which is right across from the Tokyo Gift Palette.

They check your temperature (with a computer screen that takes your temperature as you walk in) and make sure you spritz your hands with antibacterial spray before entering (there is actually someone standing there to make sure you do) and masks must be worn.

Also, the direction of traffic inside the store was one-way.

I stopped into Papabubble and picked up these salted caramels and chocolate filled mints for us too.

So much more to explore but I'll do so after this pandemic settles down.

A few days ago we had a typhoon approaching (#12 named Dolphin), which started off coming for a direct hit but now looks like it will just "brush" Tokyo and leave us with lots of rain and hopefully not too much krazy wind.

Take care everyone!


  1. glad to hear Dolphin is veering a little. Earlier reports had direct hit, Phew!

    As you probably heard, we're opening up again tomorrow, sorta, kinda. My hair appt is for Saturday, set over 5 weeks ago so glad to have just made it since I had to reschedule the last one. Still, so confusing about how everything is opening up and any little blip would make everything revert again.

    Kinda cracks me up that the only people you can go to a restaurant is your household and less than 5 people per table. Hello, we've been stuck with the household people for so long, they're the last people I want to go to a restaurant with!

    A lot of places take your temperature before you enter and even have to sign a declaration saying you didn't have contact with any covid people and don't have any symptoms. Even my work place has that routine every day, along with masks. Sigh.

  2. As soon as I read "BAKE", I said, "Uuuuuuu". Couldn't help myself. My taste buds have fond memories of that place.

  3. I thought it was weird that the typhoon was named Dolphin, V...but thank goodness it turned into heavy rains only.

    so ono yeah Jalna!

    Take care you two.

  4. a physical during pandemic! we can't even go in to our doctor to get our medicine prescriptions. everything is done by whatsapp or email, and vaccines definitely won't be ready for us (the least at risk) until next year.

  5. Things seem to be well thought out in that medical setting Kat.

  6. I am debating about getting a flu vaccine or not Rowena since I've never done so in the past...

    This particular clinic is pretty efficient Kirk!

    Take care you two.


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