Monday, September 28, 2020

we're 15

Who would have thought this blog would turn 15?!

This year has been, well...

Still, we are thankful for our health, a roof over our heads, enough to eat and that Satoshi still has a job.

We haven't been exploring, nor eating out (well, just that one time back in June).

Instead we have been taking out or cooking at home.

If you are still reading our little blog, I thank YOU.

I appreciate you being a part of our adventures.

Hopefully next year will be a better one for everyone.



  1. We love you guys! ~ R&S

  2. it's been a crazy year for sure, and it isn't even over yet. wait til election time, that oughtta trump (no pun intended) covid for sure. we live in strange times.

  3. Congratulations! It takes a lot of dedication to continue for so long and I hope for many more years to come. Really enjoy your recipes, shopping,thoughts and travels!

  4. Thank you, Kat for your blog post. I look forward to reading it and enjoying the adventure all the way from MAUI.

  5. Congrats. I wanted to let you know that I appreciate how you have shared your adventures and experiences. I am a long time reader and really enjoy the interesting insights into daily life in Japan.
    Thanks for taking us along on your adventures.

  6. Congrats! What an impressive milestone!

  7. ��Congratulations!! Have thoroughly enjoyed your awesome blog for a very long time, Kat...and of course, looking forward to more ahead! Thank you so very much.
    Big Hugs, sc reader

  8. Thank you R & S!

    Hope you guys are doing well, Rowena!

    Thank you V!

    Thank you Kirk!

    Thank you Bonny!

    Thank you Yvonne!

    Thank you Jalna!

    Thank you LJ!

    Thank you SC Reader!

    Take care everyone!

  9. Aloha Kat. I discovered your blog years ago and have followed you since. This is my first time commenting because I wanted to congratulate you on your 15th anniversary and to thank you for giving us a peak into your life in Japan. Hawaii Girl

  10. Thank you Hawaii Girl for following our adventures and for commenting :)

    Take care.


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