Thursday, November 26, 2020

no waste leek top soup

How are you doing? We are hanging in there.

We had our Thanksgiving yesterday since Satoshi had the day off and we would be able to eat dinner together.

Satoshi also had his German lesson in the evening, so we didn't eat anything special and only he had some beer.

It is soup weather over here, Mother Nature decided to slam us back from the Spring like temps we had over the past week to the fahreezing temps of December?!

Anyway, to use up the green parts of some leeks, I cooked it down with some potatoes and a little bacon then added a little milk, pepper then whizzed it.

Super simple and good way to use up all parts of the leek.

This year "celebrations" will be different, hopefully everyone can get their case numbers down so that we all can return to travelling, eating out and hugging each other.

Stay safe, keep healthy and continue to think positively.

We are thankful for relatively good health, enough food to eat, a roof over our heads and that Satoshi has a job.

Be well and be kind.


  1. Looks great for cold weather Kat. And no waste!

    1. Perfect for this weather Kirk!

      Take care.

  2. what a great way to use leek tops -- I've always thrown them away (in the compost though).


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