Tuesday, November 24, 2020

shiofuki piman

Super easy recipe that I saw on a television commercial.

It uses piman (bell pepper) and shiokonbu (seaweed that is seasoned then dried).

The bell peppers in Japan are very small like 4 inches long and 3 inches wide.

Shiofuki piman : adapted from Fujikko website : serves 2

3 piman (bell peppers), cleaned then sliced thin lengthwise

1 tablespoon shiofuki konbu

1 tablespoon sesame oil

sesame seeds

Heat the oil in a pan then add the bell peppers

When everything is coated with the oil, cook the bell pepper to your liking

Add the konbu and cook until the konbu's seasoning turn from white to black.

Sprinkle some sesame seed and serve.

NOTES: super easy, great for a side dish, for bento, for pupu (appetizer)/beer chaser.

The recipe actually uses a combination of red and green bell peppers, but I only had green on hand so that is what I used.

Since the bell pepper in the US are bigger you could probably use just 1 for the amount of shiofuki konbu I have written above.

You can alter the amount of konbu and bell peppers to your tastes.

I'll definitely make this again.


  1. actually they've been selling colored mini bell peppers in bags.
    This sounds ono. I wonder if it would work well with the fushimi peppers I've been growing. Been only stir frying with dried sardines for pupus but was getting tired of it like that. I'm going to try!

    1. I think you could use your peppers V. hope you like this.
      Take care

  2. I noticed that the pepper is also quite thin compared to normal-sized ones so they must be tender too - yum!

    1. You are right Rowena, they are a little more tender than the big bell peppers.

      Take care!

  3. I love piman. I can only find them here during summer growing season. So I buy them and freeze for cooking.

    1. Rinshinomori, hope you enjoy this if you try it:)

      Take care.


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