Friday, December 11, 2020

this and that

(photo of yesterday's sunset) How are you doing?

Hope you had a good week.

Yesterday Tokyo's numbers hit 600 (602 to be exact)...eep!

The main branch of government doesn't seem to be worried though.

I wish they would call a state of emergency and help the people on the medical front lines instead of trying to regenerate the economy by having everyone travelling all over Japan and eating in restaurants...

We are continuing to stay away from crowds as much as possible.

I try to shop for groceries during the week rather than on weekends.

I also try not to bring Satoshi when I go because he wants to look at and touch everything. 

Me on the other hand,  I want to be in and out of the store in about stress!

Anyway, Satoshi has the interview part of his test this weekend, which also requires him to wear a face shield (which they provide)...hopefully this time he will pass.

Even with the vaccine being distributed, I believe masks will be the "new norm".

Still, I look forward to the day when we all can travel, eat out and give each other hugs.

Be safe everyone.


  1. Gambate, Satoshi!

  2. I noticed on the Covid-19 statistics site that Japan ranks at 46th? that's amazing considering the number of people living in Tokyo. I thought you guys would be higher up the list.

  3. Good luck Satoshi! For some perspective; we had 2,050 positive tests...yesterday.

  4. San Diego is reaching almost 2000 cases a day now. Restaurants are back to takeout only.

  5. Thanks V!

    Rowena, I don't think Japan is testing as much as it should be...eep!

    That is scary Kirk. I also saw the daily total deaths for the US at 3000?!

    Thanks Jalna :)

    Please stay safe Junichi!

    Take care everyone.


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