Wednesday, December 09, 2020


One of the things the experts here have been telling us to do during this pandemic is to ventilate our homes as well as eateries, bars and karaoke rooms.

Well, since winter is coming having the windows & doors open is kind of rough.

In our apartment, we do not have windows, just sliding glass doors and I noticed that each door has this gadget at the top of the glass door that slides to open and close small slats.

We didn’t have this when we lived in Osaka so I looked online and found out that the slats when opened ventilate the room. (love the internet!)

Glad we have this gadget so that we don't have to actually open the windows/glass doors all the time.



  1. that is the coolest thing! Wish we had something like that here. I don't like to open windows because the dust and bugs get in but cannot stand a stuffy house. Have you noticed a difference when open vs. closed?

    1. V, I only notice that the curtain sometimes moves. Summertime everything is hot and gross so that doesn’t count. Of course cannot beat actually opening the window/door, but at least we can ventilate a little during day & night:)

      Take care!

  2. I open (crack open) the windows and doors only when it's sunny. 15 minutes tops to chase that stuffy feeling.

  3. you too Kirk :)

    That is good Rowena!

    Take care you two.


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