Tuesday, April 06, 2021

lu rou fan

I have been seeing lu rou fan all around the internet.

And then Jenny posted a really ono (delicious) looking photo on her Instagram.

She sent me the site links to the recipes she used and when I went to the market pork belly that was already sliced in to “lu rou fan” pieces was marked down!

Something was telling me it was time to try.

I adapted this recipe

I had not tried lu rou fan before but thought I might be similar to rafute or kakuni.

Lu Rou Fan : adapted from Tiffy Cooks (2 servings)
238 grams pork belly, sliced 1/2 inch thick
1/4 cup fried onions
2 tablespoons shoyu
1 teaspoon five spice
2 teaspoons sugar
2 tablespoons sake
3.5 cups water
pinch of dried shrimp (see photo)
1 inch nub of garlic (sliced)
1 inch nub of ginger (sliced)
1 star anise

Saute pork until color changes
Add all the ingredients except fried onions and cook on medium-low for 1 hour.
Add the fried onions and cook for another 30 minutes.

NOTES: While this dish was really tender, I am not too sure why it was so salty.

I did add some dried shrimp because I had seen someone on tv put some into their lu rou fan.

Maybe it was from using an oshibuta (drop lid)?

Maybe I need to add more water? I re-read the recipe’s post and it said to put 5 cups water if not using an instant pot... 

Will try this again after I buy more fried onions. 

I’ll simmer it with the lid on (no oshibuta(drop lid)) and add more water.

I hope to try this again before the weather gets too warm.

Oh and I also made some aji tama, using the sauce.

Thanks Jenny for giving me that push to try this.


  1. it really does look like it would be similar to kakuni or rafute. Yah, looking at the recipe doesn't seem like it would be that salty.

    1. I should’ve read the recipe better and used more water V.

      Take care.

  2. your link to the lu rou fan recipe is for the aji tama.

  3. The instapot evaporation rate in minimal Kat.....which means that soups, etc you need less liquid Kat. Conversely, liquids on boil can reduce up to 15 times more in an uncovered pot under a rolling boil.


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