Tuesday, April 20, 2021

walking from futakotamagawa

Yesterday we had an errand to run in Futakotamagawa and decided to walk home.

We bought some sandwiches for lunch and had them at Futakotamagawa Park.

The park has a Starbucks and the wisteria was blooming.

It was nice to sit outside and eat for a change.

The walk was hot and there was not much scenery...well, there were lions.
And pigs.
There are tennis courts...
Not sure what this statue symbolizes...
There were a few people fishing...good way to keep cool.
All sorts of people out on the walking/running path.
Super teeny death mobile that we spotted in front of the DIY store.
And then we had a second lunch...21195 steps.

We're supposed to hit summer temps today.

Hope you are having a nice week.


  1. love the lion in the field of rapeweed?? and the pigs! reminds me of the turtles and birds in Kamogawa. Whew, those are some miles you guys walked. Looks like it's getting hotter too. Here too!

    1. V, the weather is so unpredictable these days. Stay cool!

      Take care.

  2. how so very different your weather is there. I've been going out of my mind with the cold, damp days (usually around 8°C) for the past couple weeks. I think spring is really on its way though...temps are finally in the 15-18's! we had some flurries just 3 days ago!

    1. Rowena, I’ve been seeing snow in my IG feed from people on the mainland too...Japan is rocketing towards summer.

      Take care!

  3. They maybe DIY'd the car from a kit? :D. Here it got to be 90 degrees yesterday. Spring one day, summer the next. -N

  4. Man, that's quite a walk! Glad you got two lunches out of it though!

  5. it was a krazy walk, Kirk, but it was good to be outside!

    Take care!

  6. Jalna, krazy yeah?!

    Take care.


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