Wednesday, April 21, 2021

walking to kugahara

Today we walked from our apartment to Kugahara.

We stopped in at Mother's Meat Plaza and picked up their menchikatsu sandwich..fried hamburger...yum!

First time trying their shumai...there were 3 different types, one had shrimp, one was spicy and the other was plain.

These were flavorful and we enjoyed them as is.

Gyoza...these were so juicy! you had to be careful when biting into them...all the meaty juices would burst out.

The gyoza snob didn't appreciate the wrappers (too thick) but did enjoy the flavor.

We also bought some ohagi from Okano Eisen...we aren't sure if they are related to the shop we went to at Toranomon

Satoshi said he enjoyed these.

They were about the size of ping pong balls and only 100 yen each (tax included)

It was nice to see many flowers in bloom along the way.

We also stopped at Hakusan Shrine to see their carp (super short video)...10,874 steps and the sun is blazing today.


  1. ok, because you walk so much, it's ok to eat these. LOL
    At first I thought the gyoza was mah tai su.

    1. V, aw I miss mai tai su:) please eat some for me!

      Take care!

  2. Man, that sandwich looks really good Kat!

  3. I think you would enjoy the katsu from this shop too Kirk :)

    Take care!

  4. After seeing your photo of the gyoza I immediately wondered what your gyoza snob thought about them. I had to laugh when you said he didn't like them. Too funny.

  5. Jalna, the gyoza snob...ha!

    Take care!


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