Friday, May 07, 2021

this and that

How are you doing? We are hanging in there.

We picked up some wagashi (Japanese sweets) for Children's Day (what was called "Boys Day"  when I was growing up)

I think Kanto (East Japan)  wagashi often has miso an (miso flavored filling) in their sweets as I've seen other items with the miso flavored fillings...

The kashiwa mochi that we tried from Okuniya had miso flavored bean paste in it...more savory than sweet.

We also tried their mikan daifuku...the mikan (tangerine) that they used was kinda sour though...meh!

Love this arare is sweet and salty.
We went back to Sakaeya Bakery...this time around we tried their katsu pan...super thin piece of pork that is fried...I guess it is similar to schnitzel.

I loved how crispy it was.

We also tried their mini an doughnuts...tiny orbs filled with sweet bean paste that are fried and covered in sugar.

So good with coffee.

This month in front of the senior day care...origami irises.
I was surprised to see so many different foreign languages on this construction sign but it makes sense since there are many foreigners working at these construction sites these days.

On the last day of Golden Week, we had a pupu party.

We picked up various stuff at the market, ran back before the rain and had a leisurely lunch.

Have "finally" taught someone to use their ear I don't have to listen to him "blasting" his podcasts...a good thing about his using the ear pods, he cannot hear when I take photos of him...ha!

Rainy season has started in is only a matter of time before Honshu starts.

Our state of emergency will be extended until the end of May and I think the wedding we were supposed to attend at the end of the month might be postponed (again!).

There are so many hiccups with the vaccinations that it is getting kind of ridiculous.

We found a few more places to explore nearby, so we hope to get out to see them on the next sunny day.

Have a safe weekend.


  1. Japan has been in the forefront in a lot of ways that I find it hard to understand what the lag in getting the country vaccinated. Yesterday's news featured a guy from Hawaii now living in Japan for 15 years who flew back just to get the J&J vaccine.
    There has been a slow down here in vaccinations and abundance of vaccines that they are making it so convenient to get it.
    Hope it speeds up there especially with the Summer Olympic approaching. Be safe and well.
    Just my view,
    Bonny ogg

    1. I think it might be faster for us too to get the vaccination in Hawaii, Bonny.

      Take care!

  2. That Katsu Pan looks good Kat! I could for one of those. It's very sad that the vaccination roll-out in Japan has been having so many problems.

  3. glad I clicked on the photo of Satoshi because there was something in the background that caught my too with the spam musubi tote bag! I hardly use mine because I wanna keep it looking new-ish.

    1. I use several to separate our recyclables, Rowena:)

      Take care!


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