Friday, July 30, 2021

this and that

Filled up my second stamp card from Benny.

I had mentioned in the comments of that post that filling one of these up gets us 500 yen off our bill, but I was mistaken, they give us 300 yen off our bill.

I really like shopping here because it is rarely crowded. 

Been enjoying the ikaten noriten combination snacks....fried squid and fried nori, good on its own but fried is a bonus.
Thick pieces of maguro (ahi/tuna) from Benny...

8 pieces of maguro was about 850 yen (tax included)...using a 30 yen coupon….3 pieces for me, 5 for Satoshi.

Super fresh and delicious.

And so…we hit 3875 cases yesterday in Tokyo, 10,000+ overall in Japan.

Did you see the crowds outside of the Olympic stadium during the opening ceremony last Friday? from what they showed on tv here, it was krazy crowded…can only imagine what the numbers will be over the coming days.

Holding the Olympics just gives everyone a reason to get out and about…their reasoning is that they have waited a year to see friends and family…well if you haven’t received your vaccines yet (they are still vaccinating the higher age groups) AND the Delta variant is floating around…

It doesn’t help when the Prime Minister has no message or plan as to what we should be doing.

Talk about frustrating.

On Tuesday, we both felt a bit sluggish and I had a slight fever, so it was good that we had stocked up on food and just stayed indoors.

Having a slight fever and dealing with the humidity and heat was not fun.

I wasn’t exercising my arm, but using it when I cooked or did the dishes…yup chores still had to be done…

Can you believe July is almost over?

Have a safe weekend everyone.


  1. did you hear about the ahi price here? Foodland poke was $29.95/lb! So glad I don't eat poke or sashimi. co-worker didn't look at prices and got a poke bowl and freaked that it was $18!

    Actually, for a city the size of Tokyo, I always thought the previous numbers were abnormally low. Do they tell you how many people are tested or what the positivity rates are? Like, did they just start increasing the testing because of the olympics? Just curious.

    Regardless, stay safe!

    1. V, Yes they show us how many were tested and the number that was positive. I think there needs to be more testing, but it might overflow the hospitals if it is done.

      Take care!

  2. Hawaii is blowin' up too. At least there are some new (free) testing options available in town. One just opened for biz at the airport.

  3. I can certainly understand your frustration (shakes head in disbelief at the gov). Here, it's like they want to be overly careful (a good thing, imho) but of course there are those that don't agree - auwe!

    I/we got our 2nd shot (Moderna) yesterday (Monday) and I'm feeling super tired, but thank goodness no fever or headache today. I am SO glad I bought microwave meals to see me through!

    1. Hoping all the side effects are over Rowena, rest up!

      Take care!

  4. It's getting pretty crazy here too Kat!


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