Tuesday, September 14, 2021

shine muscat

I told you that I had ordered 2 kilos of Pizzutello Bianco...well, after the grapes arrived, my fridge was filled with the box.

Then on Wednesday Satoshi had his Zoom German class and a classmate was selling Shine Muscat grapes.

So he ordered 2 kilos...and he tells me on Friday that he ordered some!

So over the weekend we were eating the Pizzutello Biancos like krazy since we didn't know when the Shine Muscats would arrive.

I thought about freezing some of the Pizzutello grapes but since they have seeds, I thought it might be hard to eat.

Well, the box of Shine Muscat grapes arrived on Saturday night.

As V said, "what a grape problem to have"....ha!

The Shine Muscats orbs are huge! sweet and seedless.

We'll be eating these this week...


  1. i'm seriously drooling looking at these grapes.
    I think some stores might ship them in but probably at $40 or more.
    arghhh, sure missing Japan!

  2. ha! I've been there with grapes, and thankfully we are quite done (just another couple clusters) for the year.

    1. Almost done eating them Rowena!

      Take care.


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