Monday, January 24, 2022


Saw someone online popping popcorn in their clay pot and had to try.
I only did a tablespoon of corn with 3 tablespoons of oil...
Because the lid isn't see through, you can't tell when the popcorn is done, so I had lots of burnt pieces.
But, mostly everything popped...
The burnt parts leave a residue on the bottom of your clay pot too…boo!

Tried with a frying pan upping the amount of popcorn to 2 tablespoons to 3 tablespoons of oil with a glass lid and this worked well...

Since I like popcorn, I am glad I found a way to get most of the corn to pop.


  1. I love popcorn but kind of forgot about doing homestyle. Remember Jiffy Pop, or are you too young? And kept reading about how bad microwave kind is bad for you. Also, I think because Costco and Sam's sell this really good one that goes on sale every so often, plus it's the premium corn that pops into a rounder shape.
    I will look in the markets and try some homestyle again! Thanks for reminding me.

  2. I've been kinda into popcorn lately too.

  3. Jiffy Pop! my mom would sometimes buy that for us, V! later she got a popcorn machine for us:)

    so ono yeah Jalna!

    Take care you two.


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