Monday, January 17, 2022

sunday morning

Was everyone affected by the tsunami warning?

Thankful for the warning even though my phone was going krazy from the wee hours on Sunday morning.

After several “loud” alerts, I finally figured out how to silence it, but could still hear it vibrating every so many minutes.

Hoping there wasn’t too much damage anywhere.

Breakfast was oatmeal pancakes, it was my first time trying these from Sunmerry, a bakery near our station.

We heated them up with some of David Leibovitz’s salted butter chocolate sauce…so good!

Afterwards, we went out in search for lunch and dinner.

A house down the street had an ume tree in bloom, guess Spring is coming…

For dinner, we picked up some oden from Miraku, this time around there was also konbu, carrots and potato…still a bargain at 300 yen per serving.

Hope you have a good week.


  1. It was indeed I got the warning on my phone Kat!

  2. I swear I had at least 5 or 6 loud alerts Kirk!

    Take care!


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