Friday, January 14, 2022

this and that

Sorry it has been quiet here.

There hasn't been much going on.

We laid low over the weekend and Monday was a holiday and then on Tuesday it rained, so I stayed in.

Satoshi has had some errands to run, so he has been in and out.

Wednesday was the first time I was out since last Friday, it was nice to get some sun, even though the winds are icy.

The case numbers have taken off unfortunately…Thursday’s count for Tokyo was 3100-ish

The government wants the economy to keep moving so it doesn’t look like they will declare a state of emergency.

A lot of work places and hospitals are running into staff deficiencies due to close contacts having to quarantine.

For now I guess we'll go back to taking food out instead of eating in and food shopping during the week. 

Avoiding crowds during the weekends.

Our wedding anniversary is tomorrow but we'll be celebrating at home.

We are thankful that we can at least celebrate it.

Hope you all are doing well.

Have a safe weekend.


  1. Happy anniversary!
    Sad that all celebrations have been cut these past 2 years!

    While getting the virus is bad, making all the close contact people quarantine is really wreaking havoc on the staffing for schools, health services, businesses. We've had offices with only 1 or 2 people staffing because of the contact issue and everyone who was out tested negative. I mean, great that they were all negative but so much stress and can't get anything done. Might have been better off locking down again.

  2. Thanks V! stay safe:)

    Take care.

  3. Happy Anniversary Kat! Sorry that you aren't able to celebrate.

  4. Thank you Kirk:)

    Thank you Jalna:)

    Take care you two.


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