Wednesday, January 26, 2022


Ordered a 5 kilo (11 pounds) box of blood oranges from T-farm through Tabechoku.

It cost a little less than $40 with tax and shipping.

This is 2 kilos more than the farm I bought from last 38 orbs, some are huge while others are tiny.

Hoping these are sweet.

T-farm is located in Ehime, Shikoku.

Besides blood oranges and other citrus, they also grow avocados.

I am interested in trying avocados grown in Japan but they are pretty pricey, 1 kilo (2 pounds) is $40-ish plus tax and shipping.

Guess I’ll have to wait a couple of years until they become more plentiful so the price will come down.

In the meantime, we’ll enjoy these blood oranges.


  1. Expensive! but I just bought some sumo oranges from whole foods which were pretty close. 1st one I tried was tasty but a tad on the dry side. Hope the rest are juicier.

  2. FYI I remember watching this old episode of "Manten Aozora Restaurant" that featured a dude who took over the family farm in Niigata and began growing avocados. Not easy to do in cold weather areas! The guy was also the singer for a (moderately famous?) visual kei band.

  3. V, about $1 for 1 orb...not too bad...hope the rest of your sumo oranges will be juicy & sweet.

    Those green houses are wonders, Saburo! I've also seen people in Okinawa grow mangoes in them and the trees are super stunted!

    Take care you two.

  4. I just bought 6 nice-sized sumo oranges from Safeway for $20. Was worth it . . . juicy and sweet.

  5. That's a lot of oranges Kat!

  6. Wow Jalna, pricey but at least it was juicy and sweet!

    but so ono Kirk!

    Take care you two.


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