Friday, February 04, 2022

this and that

Weird cloud on Tuesday morning a couple hours after we had a small earthquake.. 
For our dinner on Tuesday (the day they turned off our water), I made "lasagna" layering hakusai (chinese cabbage), eggplant, maitake, cheese, creamed mushroom soup which I had froze, and some meat sauce.

I wilted the hakusai and eggplant ahead of time then layered everything and baked it off.

It was delicious even without the lasagna noodles.

Care package from Finland...Teas, chocolate and an eco bag...Thank you Lily for your kindness!
3 tiers of chocolates...Thank you Hiromi for your kindness!
Thursday was Setsubun, we ordered our ehomaki from Rakyo.

This year's lucky direction was hoku-hoku-sei (north-north-west)

I’ll write up a detailed post on this soon.

Tokyo's case numbers this week ranged between 11,751 and 21,576.

Since Japan doesn’t have enough tests if you are a close contact and have symptoms, they will “label” you as “covid confirmed” …eep!

We learned the other day that one of Satoshi's friends, O contracted COVID (he had no contact with Satoshi) and seems to be on the mend…hoping he’ll make a full recovery.

Hoping you all are doing well.

Have a safe weekend.


  1. keto type lasagna looks so good.

    here, I think everyone knows someone with the corona virus, if not sick themselves. Makes things very difficult. If you cough or sneeze, you can see everyone close by recoil. It's just allergy but sure freaks people.

  2. V, I just hope this thing gets under control soon, I wanna travel!

    Take care.

  3. So sweet your gifts from Finland!

  4. Jalna, my friend in Finland is so kind :)

    Take care!

  5. We've been having a spate of small tremors around here recently Kat.....

  6. That must be scary Kirk!

    Take care.


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