Thursday, May 19, 2022


Went to Yokohama today.

I got out early to beat the crowds.

Walking in Motomachi there were benches to sit on and a lot of rose arches.

Saw this huge hot dog...
thought this barber shop was cute
major stairs and hills in this area
bicycle riders zooming down the hills, kinda scary!
pretty stained glass canopy
these were just some of the cats I saw
steep hills
and stairs
Iwasaki Museum

Bluff Bakery's carrot cake, so moist and delicious!

Kikuya which has been in business since 1924.

I purchased their rum balls, I think this is their popular item.

We'll have this tomorrow night with pupus.
Uchiki Bakery has been in business since 1888.

We're going to try their bread for breakfast tomorrow.
I wanted to check out the English Rose Garden.

There were tons of people with their dogs taking photos of them with the roses.

And cos players (people who dress up as characters from anime, films, books, video games) taking photos with the roses.
This dog was huge! at least 2 feet tall.
Former British Consulate.
Rotary for the former British Consulate
Garden Bear
Lovely rose fragrance with the slight breeze
Harbor View Park.

Apparently this area was the model for the Ghibli anime, "From up on Poppy Hill"..gonna have to re-watch this since I don't remember what the story was about. 

Glad I got out early, it was blazing and there were tons of people out and about (even if my photos don't seem like there were).

I'll be back to the foodie places I checked out today too.

Bluff Bakery
2-80-9 Motomachi
Naka Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa
Phone: 045.651.4490
Open daily 8:00-18:30

Uchiki Bakery
1-50 Motomachi
Naka Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa
Phone: 045.641.1161
Closed Mondays
Hours: 9:00-19:00

2-86 Motomachi
Naka Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa
Phone: 045.641.0545
Open Tuesdays to Sundays 10:15-19:00 Mondays: 10:30-18:20


  1. looks like a really nice walk, and way shorter than some of your other treks :)

  2. Love the photos Kat! Looks like a wonderful spite of the heat and crowds.

  3. it was so blazing V, really hard to keep walking when it is humid and blazing.

    Thanks Kirk :)

    Take care you two.


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