Friday, May 20, 2022

this and that

Sad that they are cancelling “Magnum”, but hope the cable channel here will show Season 4.

Early in the week, Mother Nature slammed us back to March temps...brr

Want a hideout place like this one...the people that live here actually hang their laundry here, but I saw a grandpa cruising with his dog here and thought it was cool.

On the road with all the flowers in our neighborhood...Can you believe someone stole the buds from this Chinese peony plant?!

According to the sign, "we were looking forward to these blooming, this year but 2 have disappeared"!

Agarasa means steamed in Okinawan…love learning things that connect me to my roots.

We recently tried this steamed black sugar castella made by Marukiyo Seika...more than a cake it is more like a bread.

Slightly sweet, and a slight hint of caramel from the black sugar…delicious.

Tokyo people...the gate ballers.

Am trying to figure out what paperwork and tests needs to be done for me to travel to Hawaii.

Our numbers are slowly decreasing and Japan is looking to open up to small tour groups from several countries next month.

According to Satoshi, the travellers cannot deviate from their bus/group and cannot use public fun, yeah?!

Hope you are doing well.

Have a safe weekend.


  1. would love the temps here to go back to March! It's been humid past couple days, Kona weather.
    Sure hope you can figure out the trip back home. Been way too long!
    People stealing the beautiful flowers there, like the mango and avocado that people help themselves to here. No class!
    I was reading some of the stipulations for the tourist to travel to Japan. You will really have to like your group, cannot go anywhere or do anything without them. 24/7!

    Sure hoping that everything opens up by Thanksgiving!

  2. "No fun" -- no kidding! Who wants to experience traveling from a bubble bus?

    See you in... '2023?!!

  3. What's a gate baller? At first, it looked like a game you play with toilet plungers. LOL.

  4. I heard only a "test group" of visitors; like 50? And constantly monitored with many limitations....not quite a "vacation". Weather has been see-sawing here as well. It was blazing when we got back from Paris....and now it's been drizzling and in the low 60's????

  5. hope so too v!

    Saburo, no fun yeah?!

    Jalna, gate ball, it is a popular "sport" here, I think it is similar to croquet

    Kirk, definitely not a "vacation"..enjoy your cooler weather :)

    Take care everyone.


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