Monday, September 26, 2022


We had our own Oktoberfest at home...

According to Satoshi we were supposed to have a lot more beer...ahem!

Friday night we had currywurst (curried ketchup) for the sausages.

Saturday night we had sausages with potatoes sauteed with grainy mustard and a little mayo.

The typhoon that was supposed to hit us,  Talas, #15, over the weekend luckily got downgraded, but not before  dumping lots of rain in Shizuoka and other areas to flood them.

Hopefully everyone will have better weather in the coming days.

Have a good week.


  1. Satoshi is so funny. Your spread looks great.

  2. Ahaha, Satoshi's right!
    Interesting about curry worst. You just sprinkle curry powder on the ketchup? Gotta try that!

    Glad the typhoon was downgraded. So scary to see it projected right at you. It must bring a lot of humidity too!
    It's been days of heat and humidity here but I just saw my electric bill and they show trends for the past twelve months. Must have been just as bad last year because there was a spike in usage so the AC must have been on a lot.

    Even though I just re-roofed recently, I'm thinking of calling the roofer back and having him put some of that ceramic paint to help cool the house. He didn't want to do it because it would invalidate the warranty of what he did install. Maybe I'll look into an attic fan. I think it's cheaper than the paint job.

  3. oooof! I totally forgot about Octoberfest and did not put 2+2 together when I noticed the sudden sales on beer at the super.

  4. Glad the typhoon was downgraded Kat! Looks like a nice spread.

  5. Jalna :)

    V, just mix some catsup with curry powder, I also put a little garam masala.

    Rowena, I hadn't realized Oktoberfest started in September

    Kirk, thanks!

    Take care everyone.


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