Tuesday, September 27, 2022

baked beans with portuguese sausage

With a couple of linguica, I made a really small batch of baked beans for our Sunday dinner, and had enough leftovers for dinner on Monday…whoo!

I hadn't bought catsup in ages, but needed some for this recipe, so I bought a small bottle.

Also didn't have a can of pork and beans, just a can of baked beans, so that is what I used.

Found a "bigger" can of kidney beans...110 grams!

Will stock up on more "real size" canned beans the next time I go to the import market to buy our coffee beans.

I didn't have prepared mustard, only grainy, so that is what I used.

I should've added the molasses and brown sugar to give it another layer of flavor, but I felt there was enough sweetness from the beans and catsup.

And since I didn't have worcestershire sauce, I used a little okonomiyaki sauce.

No white vinegar either so I used rice vinegar.

Really ad-lib.

My mom would often make a big pyrex pot of this for our Sunday dinner gatherings and use kielbasa instead of portuguese sausage though.

Good memories and this hit the spot.


  1. that's the sign of a great cook, when you can substitue so many things and still comes out ono!
    My aunty used to make a baked bean casserole with hamburger that I really liked. I also like the baked beans from Bob's BBQ in Kalihi, really different flavor from my aunty's. I guess from scratch vs. cans, LOL

  2. V, I don't think I've ever tried Bob's BBQ's baked beans...next time!

    Take care.

  3. Linguica! Where on earth did you find that?

  4. Ho, you totally MacGyvered that and it came out so ono-looking!!

  5. April G, I purchased some from a charcuterie maker in Chiba :)

    Jalna, thank you :)

    Take care you two.

  6. it's funny when you mentioned your mom's pyrex, I thought, oh no! I should take my mother-in-law's pyrex collection before it ends up in the dump. I just don't have space, but it would be sad to throw all that old stuff away.

  7. It turned out well in the end Kat!

  8. Rowena, oh man, when I was cleaning out my mom's cupboards, there was so much stuff I wanted too!

    Kirk, me too :)

    Take care you two.


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