Friday, September 16, 2022

this and that

These Vietnamese coconut crackers...baked with mochiko, sugar, coconut and some oil...they kind of stick to my teeth but I like the coconut flavor.
This flyer was in our mailbox, a family is looking for their cat named "Fu" or "who"...depending on your pronunciation...either way, hope you find your way back to your family!

My non-smoking angels (building management) must’ve heard me, they finally put flyers in everyone’s mailbox to remind everyone to be more considerate when smoking....Which means “stop smoking on your lanai”…so stinky!

Also, thankful the neighbors on the floor beneath us moved, their door used to slam whenever they went in and out, sometimes the door would slam so hard that it would shake our front door and because most days it is very quiet, the noise from the door slamming would scare the "beep" out of me...

Saw this on someone's Instagram and it instantly transported me to my childhood...I had this exact same album! (now you know about how old I am)
Tokyo People: This lady with a sun umbrella...I thought no one was behind me and then all of a sudden I heard a voice...she was talking to someone on her bluetooth thingy...scared the "beep" out of me.
Feeling like this furry one...the heat and humidity are back and we also have 3 typhoons to the left, right and center of Japan…eep

It is looking like Japan will fully open soon, they just need to iron out the details...

Have a safe weekend.


  1. I'll look for that cracker in Chinatown! Looks like something I'd like, (except for sticking on you teeth).
    Don't care for cats much but I always say Japan has the cutest cats.
    It's so stressful to deal with people who are irritating and inconsiderate. Don't they hear their door slamming? The heavy footsteps? Always debating whether to say something or not.

  2. Hope you can find these crackers V and I hope you like it. We never complained about their door because we must make noise whenever we walk around our apartment :)

    Take care.

  3. Someone in my house whose name starts with a W started slamming our front door shut for some reason. It used to rattle the whole house. It went on for awhile until I asked him to stop it. Now he just slams it a little. 🤪

  4. Jalna, someone in our house likes to slam the bathroom door...dunno why he no can turn the door knob to close the door.

    Take care!

  5. I tell you, inconsiderate neighbors (sigh)...we got 2 that live in the opposite side of the building (we're on the east end) and they've been like cats and dogs since the beginning. I heard rumor that they both want to sell their apartments as they're sick of each other (small village gossip I know, but being Swiss-neutral, we hear it all from both sides)!

    I'm glad we're not at odds with anybody here - no need foget agro!

  6. Rowena, are these the same ones that do not shovel during winter? I am glad you get along with everyone :)

    Take care!

  7. Just one of them doesn't shovel (or at least her boyfriend does it).

  8. I, ahem had that album too Kat.....


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