Wednesday, October 05, 2022


One year ago we were exploring Nihonbashi

Four years ago we were learning about the d button

Eight years ago I was trying 52-chome bakery

Eleven years ago we were eating lots of noodles

Fifteen years ago we were making dorayaki


  1. there's a Marugame Udon right up the street from our office and I keep thinking I should go again. Well, past couple years was because of COVID and then it's been so hot and humid. I think they dont AC the place so people don't sit and linger so better to do take out.

    BTW, I see that they apologized for sending that missile alert. Almost like our accidental alert several years ago. So ineffective because causes more confusion than help.

  2. V, didn't think it was an accidental alert I was under the impression that the alert was sounded too late,

    Take care!

  3. it really is Kirk!

    Take care.


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