Friday, December 30, 2022

this and that

So the water heater got changed on Saturday, and then Monday I noticed that it was leaking! ack!

Called the management company and while waiting for someone to call me back, looked online, which told me there was 3 main reasons for leaks..the heater is old, the heater got frozen, the washer wasn’t installed properly…you could kinda guess which one it was…

Monday night the guy that installed the heater and the guy that coordinated the change came to fix the leak.

Lots of apologizing (bowing), and a “towel” compensation and about 15 minutes out on our fahreezing lanai and it was fixed.

Something about using a paper type washer in the connecting pipe versus a rubber one...they changed it to a rubber one...

Satoshi wants to know why a rubber one wasn't used in the first place...

at least it is fixed and I'm knocking on wood and hoping that we do not have any more drama...

Remember they were filming when Dennis and I visited Bongo?

Well, we had our less than one second of fame in the finished product.

Actually Dennis had one more second in another shot.
We shared the ume filled with katsuo...the ume is on the sweeter side and it is filled to the gills with the katsuo mixture.

Delicious with okayu (rice gruel).

We tried a different one in onigiri but I thought it was a bit overpowering, so I would stick to eating these in okayu or in chazuke.

Tokyo’s numbers are still up.

Have a safe weekend.


  1. how cool! on TV!
    any mention or picture of ume immediately starts my glands going, LOL.
    I've been eating a lot of chazuke with ume lately with what I bought, even as a late night snack (uh-oh!)
    It is strange to use a paper gasket. Like, what were they thinking??? Hope the fix is good.

  2. I was trying to read about why they would use a paper type one V, but the Japanese was too technical for me, crossing fingers no more problems...

    Take care!

  3. So Japanese to be profusely apologetic. I googled "paper washer". It's used to seal against oils and fuels. Maybe the guy mixed up the washers.

  4. What the heck! Well, at least it's fixed now.

  5. Thanks for looking online Jalna :)

    I agree Kirk :)

    Take care you two.


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