Friday, April 21, 2023

this and that

Tokyo People: this grandma reminded me of my grandma, she wouldn't use her cane just carry it...

sometimes I see Tokyo People with some “interesting” things written on their clothes..."think rich look poor"
or on this lady’s bag, "any piranha tries to chomp me, I'll pound him"...didn't know Snoopy was so violent! ha!

shakuyaku (chinese peony) season
we thought this dark thick grey cloud that looks like a mountain range might be the dust cloud from the gobi desert...ick!
went to Ikegami Honmonji and the surrounding temples to check out their flowers...wisteria
botan (Japanese peonies)
more botan

Yesterday, went to check out this wisteria near Sakaeya Bakery.

It had been a year since I had been this way, many empty lots and construction along the way, was hard to remember what had been there before.

2 ladies were sitting and chatting under the flowers, so I tried to make sure my photos didn't include them.

Bought a bacon egg burger from Sakaeya Bakery 260 yen (tax included) and mini donuts filled with sweet bean paste 240 yen (tax included)

The weather was very blazing!

Earlier in the week…Thankful for BFF who opened up a letter I had received from my bank in Hawaii

Apparently back in December 2022 one of their employee’s email account was accessed without authorization and there were emails and attachments that might have had my info in it! 

after an investigation that ended in March 2023! it was determined that an email/attachment that had my info was involved, gah!

If you ask me it was kind of a long period between December and now to tell me about it…

So, I froze stuff and canceled stuff, what a p.i.t.a. trying to remember what info I'd given to set up accounts, especially when I sometimes can't even remember what I've eaten for lunch the day before...hope the person(s) involved got laser beamed…

Sadly my aunty who is also with this bank told me she received the same letter…eep!

Hoping no other “excitement” comes from this…

I just found out that one of my Dad's sisters passed away. We will miss you Aunty J.

Not wanting to end this on a sad note...can I show you the last lily from Easter?! Still going strong.

Hope things are better where you are and you are doing well.

Have a safe weekend.


  1. grrrr...banks, what is up with them anyway? MotH recently received his brother's debit card in our mailbox, so he phoned to tell the bank (they said something like that has never happened before), and now he's wondering where is his debit card? I mean, how much more dingdong can you get at an online bank? I'm glad that wherever his card is, at least it cannot be used unless it's authenticated on his bank's phone app. geez, I'm thinking we should bank elsewhere.

  2. the flowers are so pretty! Yes, definitely thinking of moving my next February trip to mid April. Hopefully, between cherry blossom season and golden week, might not be so crazy.
    I had to laugh at the "think rich, look poor" shirt. I've been trying to look poor at the dentist because now we're well into the 6 figure treatments and I was hoping he'd feel sorry for me. Nope. In fact, I even asked him if he had his eye on a new car, LOL

  3. Beautiful flowers! That thick dust is impressive. Kinda scary.

  4. Rowena, the interest for banks here are so low that they stopped giving us any! :(

    V, hope your dental stuff gets taken care of soon!

    Jalna, yeah scary cloud!

    Take care everyone.

  5. Oh man, I hope the data breach doesn't affect things Kat!

  6. Kirk, me too, please send me good mojo

    Take care.


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