Monday, August 14, 2023


This trip home was a nice chance to catch up with many friends and family.

To share pandemic experiences.

Laugh, cry, just "talk story"

And eat!

Boy, did I eat. 

V wanted to know how much weight I gained…4 pounds

Thankful Satoshi let me stay for as long as I did and BFF who let me stay with her.

Looking forward to doing this again next summer.

Be well everyone and I appreciate everyone spending time with me.


  1. It was nice getting together with everybody. See you again next year!

  2. it's always good to have time with family but enjoying new travel experiences too. I can't remember the last time both of you traveled internationally (I think Paris was the last time?) - no plans in the future?

  3. Ahahaha, with all the walking you do in Tokyo, you'll lose it fast!

  4. Glad you had a great time Kat!

  5. Jalna, looking forward to seeing you in Tokyo!

    Rowena, he's been to Hawaii after Paris, with the war in Ukraine it makes travelling a little harder, and I've heard US citizens will need visas in Europe...

    V, hoping so :) probably in the Fall though, too hot to walk now.

    Kirk, thanks!

    Take care everyone.

  6. US citizens that travel to Europe for pleasure don't need a visa, they just need ETIAS, the european version of ESTA (foreigners flying into the US). MotH needs a current ESTA whenever we go stateside, and that's easy to obtain online (I think it was like a couple of days until he received it).

  7. Thanks for the clarification Rowena :)

    Take care.


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