Monday, February 26, 2024

pain au sourire

One of the places I checked out when I went to Shibuya was Pain au Sourire.

Last year, they moved from their old location to this one.

The old location was spacious with a tiny gallery too.

Unfortunately, the building is slated to be torn down.

This new location is just around the corner from the old one but is super teeny. 

I picked up their pain au chocolat, nice ratio of chocolate…320 yen (tax included)
And their honey mustard tuna sandwich...lots of tuna! 410 yen (tax included)

On Sunday, I also tried their cheese fondue which was filled with lots of cheese 320 yen (tax included) and their saucisson 400 yen (tax included) which had a really long sausage inside with some pesto.

Bummer they lost all their cafe space but I'm glad they are still around.

Pain au Sourire
1-5-2 Shibuya
Shibuya, Tokyo
Open Thursdays, Fridays & Saturdays
Hours: 8:00-18:00


  1. I can't imagine how high the rent must be for these shops - sizewise, everything is all big space in the states.

  2. Rowena, I think the highest property area is Ginza in Tokyo

    Jalna, they were :)

    Take care you two.

  3. It seems that many places are being torn down recently Kat!

  4. really sad Kirk!

    Take care.


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