Friday, February 16, 2024

this and that

Was finally able to try Alain Ducasse's 75% cacao fruit tablette

So delicious with the semi-dried fruits and nuts on it.
So they demolished the house and this pink house that I can see now
Reminded me of this Barbapapa character

so teeny
Tokyo People: thought her ear muffs were so cute

Tokyo People: these guys were clearing out an office
spotted this ume tree near Kugahara from the train, so I went to check it out, it was huge!
So pretty!
Chocolate stollen from Patisserie Ease...marzipan around the stollen and coated with Amazon chocolate, lots of fruits and spices...delicious!
Roast beef sandwich from Bakery Bank...had to take it apart to eat, but the meat was super!

The weather was quite warm this week, but will snap back then get warm again

Have a safe weekend


  1. that chocolate with fruits and nuts look to die for! and such a gorgeous ume tree!
    driving myself crazy looking at the weather. how can it be so warm in February???

  2. Quite a nice-looking sandwich! And looks like a lovely day too!

  3. V, so flip flop the weather!

    Kirk, it was :)

    Take care you two.


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