Saturday, April 13, 2024

sakura walk (sakurazaka & tamagawa)

Last Saturday it was forecast for clouds, Satoshi had something to do so I went to check out Sakurazaka.

I’ve mentioned this before but this is the area which inspired Fukuyama Masaharu to write the song "Sakurazaka".


Caught this furry one enjoying the blooms
I then walked along Tamagawa

How’s this family?! I am a wimp and cannot sit in the grass like this, for fear of crawly things, I need a bench or chair! ha

So many people having hanami (cherry blossom viewing) parties
These two found a bench on a street corner to have their hanami.

The overcast weather made for gloominess, but it was still nice to be out and about.


  1. Lucky there weren't the crowds like Ueno and Yoyogi this past weekend. Looks like way better place for hanami especially if they live close by.

  2. V, it does get crowded here but not krazy like Ueno or Yoyogi

    Jalna, :)

    Take care you two.

  3. So lovely and relaxing Kat!

  4. Thank you Kirk :)

    Take care.


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