Sunday, May 26, 2024

hifuka part 2

So I went back to the dermatologist

I was kinda shocked because she didn’t even look at the spot, just busted out the liquid nitro and treated it 

(I actually thought it was healed already and didn’t need that treatment) and then she told me to come back in a week

“So busy” that she didn’t have time to “talk” to me just yell as she left the room, “come back in a week and avoid coming on a Saturday”

Went back last Friday, she says, “what do you think?”

I said “I don’t think we need to treat it anymore”

She’s like “yeah we can watch it, you might want to come back maybe in January or February though”

Appreciate her treating me, but I dunno that I’ll go back


  1. Wow, glad you no need go back.

  2. about abrupt and lousy patient care.

  3. thanks Jalna :)

    at least it healed Kirk :)

    Take care you two.


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