Friday, May 24, 2024

this and that

saw this daisy perservering through the cement
made a batch of myoga amasuzuke

the giant cone had melted a little by the time I got home, so when I tried to take off the wrapper...I scooped out the top and ate it with a spoon, then ate the other "half" with the cone, glad the cone was crispy
photos uploaded wonky
chinese bento from niihao, 1 choice plus 3 fillers...742 yen (tax included)

the one choice is so skimpy compared to the 3 fillers
fancy looking mini
Tokyo people: the amount of mail this guy had on his bicycle, I wouldn't have been able to keep the bicycle upright
made a batch of yamagata style dashi

Mondays for the past 4 weeks have been rainy and a little cooler than usual.

Okinawa started their rainy season on Tuesday, they are apparently late this year.

Tokyo People: this furry one was hobbling along, but still trying to take its walk
Blueberry ginger soda from City Bakery, Cali burrito and extra guac from Guzman Y Gomez

The soda was super refreshing.
Coconut cookie from City Bakery

another business in our area bit the dust, sad to see this organic food shop close
back to Bob Bagel...tori ham (sous vide chicken breast), sesame bagel, fruit tomato, onion dressing, pecorino romano and spearmint...delicious...680 yen (tax included)

I also picked up at fig pistachio bagel....460 yen (tax included) and a blueberry bagel...380 yen (tax included) which I've put into the freezer 

the sunsets have been pretty amazing the past couple of days.

have a safe weekend.


  1. beautiful sky.
    that chicken sammie looks so ono. I'm always rushing through Shinagawa Station. Is that where City Bakery still is? Can't even remember. But I remember the coffee soda!
    I'm almost tempted to try growing my own myoga. I think my aunty used to but that was years ago. So expensive in the store here.

  2. you should try growing them V!

    Take care.

  3. I can't tell what the "one choice" is on that bento Kat!

  4. Kirk it was the sweet sour pork :)

    Take care.


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