Thursday, May 23, 2024


When I went to pick up some coffee at Yamaya the other day

the shop had a facelift so it was interesting trying to find things in their new layout

One thing I noticed was their Korean foods area got larger

In the snack area, they were having a 2 for 500 yen (plus tax) sale for nori ten (fried nori) 

108 yen plus tax for the Doritos (avocado flavor) and 188 yen (plus tax) for the Mi-re biscuits (honey butter flavor)

The price of coffee has gone up, up, up!  

1680 yen (plus tax) for 1 kilo

I notice the beans are more like broken pieces too

There aren't many new (to me) beers to try these days though.

What are you enjoying these days? 


  1. I've been liking those nori-ten. Bought some different flavors from Okayama...wasabi, setouchi lemon, and regular.
    Even costco and longs sells nori-ten here now...before was only wholesale unlimited

  2. V, have you tried the ika ten, a little fishy tasting but delicious too

    Take care.


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