Sunday, June 09, 2024


Went to Shimokitazawa to check out Bio-Ral, the organic brand of one of the supermarkets in our area.

I just wanted to see what kinds of things they sold.

I ended up picking up some drip coffee and beer.
Love the "mall" that this market is in.
Another place I wanted to check out was Stock Mart.

Apparently these guys re-sell items from Costco, because not every one can go there and not many want the large sizes.

they sell some baked goods in half and smaller sizes.

I love that they sell half pizzas.

And I was interested in trying the Organic Loaf.

Total for both was 2171 yen (tax included)

Thankful they sell bags for the pizza too...18 yen (tax included)

AND thankful this box fit into my fridge!

Also thankful that most of the bread fit into my freezer 

Tried a slice for lunch with poached chicken and pickled red cabbage...delicious.

It was a really tiny shop.

I was hoping they sold more dried fruits and nuts but they don't.

The pizza reheated in the oven was crispy! and delicious.

Not sure that I would go back, but I'm glad we got to try these items.


  1. Man, I wish they sold half pizzas here Kat!

  2. think they may be smaller than Costco US pizzas, but still nice to be able to buy half, Kirk

    Take care.


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