Sunday, June 16, 2024


To "cheer myself" up after my experience in Kita Kamakura, I booked myself entrance to Hasedera in Kamakura

By booking online, you don't have to stand in line to pay for your entrance and you can "fast pass" your way in to see the ajisai (hydrangea)

It was crowded in the ajisai area, but not krazy like Kita Kamakura was.

It was also blazing and humid

There were so many different types of ajisai.

It was worth the extra admission (400 yen for entrance to the temple, 500 yen for the ajisai = 900 yen total)
Nearby was this bamboo vase hanging from a window outside of a Japanese inn (photos uploaded wonky)
It was nice to see all the jizoson (protectors of children and travellers) around the property too
I stopped in at Ebisuya, which has been in business for over 250 years
I purchased their mamemochi, kusamochi and a dorayaki...660 yen (tax included)

Satoshi enjoyed the mamemochi and kusamochi

The dorayaki was small but it was filled to the gills with sweet bean paste and the outer "pancake" was light and airy...would get this one again!
For "lunch" I went to Iwata Coffee Shop, which has been in business since 1945

Luckily I got there before 11:00 and only had to wait maybe 10 minutes or so for a table
I ordered their Hot cake set with iced coffee...1660 yen (tax included)

this had a super crisp crust and the inside was so airy

Worth the 20 to 30 minute wait to make and it comes out piping hot

I want to try their club house sandwich next time

Afterwards as I was looking for a bakery and I stumbled upon the Farmers Market.

They only had a couple of vendors selling veggies and flowers, the other side of the market are mortar and brick type of shops/cafes
I bought this golden beet and regular beet...400 yen (tax included)

After roasting, the golden beet was super yellow! glad we got to try these
Kibiya Bakery has been in business since 1948, and we've tried their breads before when they participated in a Bread Festival in Tokyo 
I purchased some "protein" since I didn't have any with "lunch"...curry dog 370 yen (tax included), nice snap from the weiner and lots of curry flavor mixed into the bread
It was a blazing day, but I'm glad I was able to check out more ajisai and explore a little of Kamakura without too much kraziness.

2-14-26 Hase
Kamakura, Kanagawa
Closed Thursdays
Hours: 9:00-17:30

Iwata Coffee Shop
1-5-7 Komachi
Kamakura, Kanagawa
Closed Tuesdays
Hours: 9:00-18:00

Kamakura Farmers Market
1-13-10 Komachi
Kamakura, Kanagawa
Open daily 8:00-17:00


  1. I'm sorry to hear about your experience (which I'll now need to search) but it's good that you went ahead and cheered yourself up!

  2. The colors of ajisai so beautiful. You dont see those colors here. And what about that hot cake....oh my goodness you had a delicious and interesting day. Enjoyed it.
    Bonny OGG

  3. over tourism, Rowena :p

    Bonny, glad you enjoyed this too :)

    Take care you two.

  4. Nice little adventure Kat!

  5. Kirk, it was :)

    Take care.


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