Saturday, June 01, 2024

busy busy

Last Friday, Satoshi had a family from Switzerland that he took around Tokyo

That evening he caught a bus to Kyoto arriving early Saturday to check on the things he wants BIL to keep for him

(Before leaving for Kyoto he asks me “Kat what you think I should I do with all my knick knacks from small kid time?”

I told him, “no ask me because I’m gonna tell you to get rid of it”)

Saturday lunchtime, he went to Hiroshima to meet up with a tour guide friend that invited Satoshi to accompany his tour to Shikoku, to see what the tour was like.

Saturday afternoon he caught a boat to Matsuyama

Sunday they were in Kagawa and Tokushima, in areas we visited before.

Monday they were making soba and crossing scary bridges

Tuesday was rainy all day but they visited areas they had scheduled

Wednesday was the last day of their tour, he made it back in time for his German language online class.

Thursday he went back to "work" work.

busy busy...


  1. thank you for that first picture. I think my house may be worse than that. LOL
    And I have the same question Satoshi had...what to do with all my TREASURED knickknacks!
    Satoshi seems to really have the life....exploring all over so he can do his tours!

  2. no ask me V about the knick knacks :)

    Take care.

  3. Good for Satoshi! I give him credit.

  4. Kirk :)

    Jalna, too busy to turn off the lights :)

    Take care you two.


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