Tuesday, June 11, 2024

oh em gee

Saturday, Satoshi had a tour guide thingy so on the spur of the moment, I decided to go to check out the hydrangea at Kita Kamakura...big mistake!

Everyone and their uncle decided to do the same thing

Thinking Meigetsuin opened at 9:00 I arrived just before, but found out at the entrance they opened at 8:30 during this time of year...boo! (on the news they showed 100 people plus were waiting from 7:30!)

It took me at least 20 minutes from the entrance to the top of the stairs...

Plus it was blazing..talk about culture shock from over tourism!

Wished they had controlled the amount of people that could enter the area instead of letting everyone in after paying

What Meigetsuin looks like without the crowds (same stairs, April 2023)

I overheard people chattering about being in line for over an hour! so I quickly made a u-turn and left because it was impossible to enjoy the flowers “in peace”

on the way home, I decided to get something iced and ended up waiting almost 30 minutes here...
kaffe tonic...780 yen (tax included)..., I've had this before and the price has gone up since then.

took this to-go because everything inside was filled and all that was left was outside in the blazing sun, 

This hit the spot 
I also stumbled on a little bakery (La Petite Boulangerie Kita Kamakura)...picked up lunch to eat at home

daily quiche...this was broccoli cheese...600 yen (tax included)
apple pie 450 yen (tax included)...loved that it had lots of apple and a little custard cream inside
it was just people people people everywhere...

(reasons why I avoid matsuri (festivals) and "touristy" areas, why I try to get out and about "early"...after telling Satoshi about my day, he mentioned that unfortunately it is like this everywhere these days.)

I was glad to be getting on the train in the opposite direction…6163 steps

Verve Coffee Roasters
1365 Yamanouchi
Kamakura, Kanagawa
Hours: 7:00-19:00

La Petite Boulangerie Kita Kamakura
1388 Yamanouchi
Kamakura, Kanagawa
Closed: Tuesdays & Wednesdays
Hours: 9:00-16:00


  1. I sure hope it dies down by November! Hoping because no flowers or fruits around that time, finger crossed!
    I was really shocked at the people in your pictures.

  2. I was really shocked too V, krazy!

    Take care.

  3. OMG, the picture of the flower viewing! my friend described Tokyo & Kyoto as "Disney on Steriods". lol
    A local cooking show host mentioned he noticed the increase in prices too. It's understandable given the week yen and cost to do business ,but not for the people who live in Japan of course. Wonder when this will all tapper off.

    Keep cool in the Summer heat.

    Bonny Ogg

  4. so krazy Bonny, I think when the yen gets stronger it may taper off

    Jalna for real

    Take care you two.

  5. Kirk, too many

    Take care.


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