Wednesday, June 12, 2024


Monday, after physical therapy, I went to Higashi Jujo to check out Sogetsu.

Apparently their dorayaki is one of the "big 3" in Tokyo

The other 2 are made by Usagiya and Kameju

Since I've tried the other 2, I wanted to try this one to compare.

They have been in business since 1930 and their dorayaki is called Kuromatsu…162 yen (tax included)

This was delicious but small!
and I thought it could’ve had a little more sweet bean paste in it.

Still glad I got to try this, I think Kameju is my favorite of the three.

I also bought Satoshi some dango (anko (sweet bean paste) and shoyu) because he doesn't really care for dorayaki…118 yen (tax included) each
And then I went one station over to Oji and bought some baked items from Meijido

It had been awhile since I was here.

Bought some things for my lunch as well as things for Satoshi’s “bento”
clockwise: curry pan, long vacation (a long hot dog), cheese burger, mentai france (spicy pollack roe and mayo), milk france (soft baguette filled with a butter sugar cream) and mini coronet (filled with chocolate cream)…1480 yen (tax included)
Before getting back on the train, I went to Asukayama Park to check out the hydrangea.

It had been awhile since I was here too
It was pretty but the flowering plants seemed sparse in some areas.
I overheard two women chatting, they said that the area was filled with people over the weekend...I guess it being a weekday and it drizzling, the amount of people was way less.
This white hydrangea area was new (to me)

I'm glad this place wasn't krazy like Kita Kamakura was.

2-15-16 Higashijujo
Kita, Tokyo
Closed: Tuesdays
Hours: 10:00-18:00


  1. I had a small matcha dorayaki and I put it in my mini waffle maker. It actually came out ok. It kinda crisped up around the edges. But, I would be afraid to ruin a "good" dorayaki...LOL

  2. Man, that's some major stuffs from the bakery Kat! Love the flower photos!

  3. it was nice to reconnect with the park, Kirk

    Take care.


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