Thursday, June 13, 2024


There are two kinda new onigiriya (rice ball shops) in our neighborhood

One uses Ootori's space during lunch time, they are called Washoku Onigiriya

The other uses the Kodomo Shokudo's space, they are called Inaho
I bought one musubi both ume from each to try.

Inaho (left) was 210 yen (tax included), Onigiriya's was 350 yen (tax included) (right)

Even if Inaho's was cheaper, I liked the flavor of Onigiriya's (maybe because they also had shiso (perilla) in their musubi)

I'm glad I tried them both and want to try other "flavors", I’ll be back


  1. musubi sure made a big comeback. Remember for a while everyone was trying not to eat rice?
    I like kobu and ume the best.

  2. I think I know what I need for lunch tomorrow Kat! ;o)

  3. V, I think it is because bread is kinda expensive these days

    Kirk, hope you get some musubi for lunch :)

    Take care you two.


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