Friday, August 23, 2024

this and that

whenever I go to Hawaii, I map out the stuff in the fridge labeling “do not eat” on things or else “someone” will eat everything!

needless to say, he never followed the map (sigh) and emailed me a couple of times to see if he could eat some things (at least he asked, in the past he did not)

Haagen Dazs came out with a mint chocolate chip bar in early July, glad I was able to find it when I came back in August

I didn't know this but Haagen Dazs apparently only has 3 factories in the world, 1 in the US, 1 in Europe and 1 in Japan...this is apparently why they taste different depending on where you are eating them

In early July, they started circulating the new 10,000 yen bill with Shibusawa Eiichi on it, looks kinda like play money to me

They also came out with a new 1000 yen bill with Kitasato Shibasaburo

they also came out with a new 5000 yen bill but I haven't come across it yet

Coco Ichiban has curry udon, not all shops serve it though, Satoshi was lucky that our shop nearby does
Wasn’t able to find the mamaki hibiscus tea in Hawaii that I bought before, so I bought this hibiscus one from the UK when I got back, I like that it is a little puckery, and like to cold brew it during the summer
Sad to find this pigeon dead in front of our elevator

I think it flew into the wall or elevator door…I called our building management and they had it bagged up the next morning
Tokyo People : glad these construction guys have a fan that mists 
Juicy nectarines
The mannekin pis is dressed up like Hello Kitty to celebrate her 50th
Got to meet up with friend Hiromi and her husband in Yokohama 

They were coming back from visiting their son and had some time before their Shinkansen back to Osaka

Thanks for today H & Y

Have a safe weekend!


  1. your fridge map cracks me up!

  2. also meant to aske what is natto tare?

    1. V, Natto Tare is the sauce that comes with Natto...Take care, Kat

  3. I don't think the Missus would follow a fridge map if I made one either Kat! ;o)


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