Thursday, August 22, 2024


Remember I put a plastic sheet on top of the washer so that things would not fall behind the washer?!

Well, Satoshi never noticed it, and I finally told him.


Recently though, while making the "foam" to wash my face with, the soap flew out of my hands and went behind the washer.

So I used a tension rod shelf to block the back of the washer from under the plastic sheet.

"someone" suggested to wrap the shelf in plastic, so things wouldn't go in between the rods of the shelf

Hopefully now things will not go behind the washer...

And remember this house?

They started building another house on the lot in front of it one morning
By the end of the day, they already had a building up

These guys even worked during part of the typhoon we just had!

And the house they cleared next door.

they already have plans to build a 4 story building starting at the end of the month.

Should be noisy for the next couple of months....


  1. you're so amazing! whodda thunk? Gotta remember these things.

    to erect a house in that short a time??? Amazing too, but maybe the inside is still being worked on. Still, amazing. Seems like many Japanese houses are modular so easy.

  2. LOL. Off all the places the soap could've wound up, it went behind the washer.


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