Wednesday, September 11, 2024


The pickled grapes were delicious.


After one hour soaking in the different brines (left is bread & butter brine, right is tomato suzuke brine), it didn't really have too much "pickled" flavor.

I skewered each grape with a yakitori stick and stuck them back into the brine.

The grapes kept their "crisp" texture and sweetness and the salty brine was a little more pronounced but didn't overpower the grape flavor.

Dunno that I would do this again, but I'm glad we tried this.


  1. did you have a "control group" of grapes that weren't pickled? Just curious how different the flavors would be.

    1. no control group V, it probably would've tasted more "pickle" like if I had made a fresh brine for it instead of using a brine that I already had in the refridge.
      Take care, Kat

  2. Cool that it turned out well Kat!


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