Friday, September 06, 2024

this and that

Host family mom sent us pione grapes...thank you!

They are moving to the next stage (from black caterpillars to green ones) fast!
Tokyo People: this lady dropped her leek...I called out to her and she came back to get it.

She said, "leeks are so expensive, thank you!"
Back to blazing and humid.

Rice! found a bag...

they are only selling 5 kilo (11 pound) sizes (we used to buy 2 kilo (4.4 pound) size) and apparently the price was increased 50%...

at least now we have rice in our household and don't have to rotate only between bread or oatmeal for breakfast and only eat noodles for dinner.

Have a safe weekend.


  1. still blow my mind that there is a rice (distribution) shortage in Japan. I saw an ad that said try using mochi if you cannot find rice, LOL

    1. V, I was on the verge of getting mochi to eat with things if I couldn't find any rice, lol....Take care, Kat

  2. Why were you rotating rice and other starch. Being so close to the source, is your rice more freshly harvested and does it make a difference in taste vs. Hawaii's rice. Mom could tell good rice, i can't. I remember obaachan using store delivery for food, is that still a thing. Have a great weekend. N

    1. N, there was a big shortage in Japan, on paper the amount of rice was supposedly enough BUT distribution was wonky so there was no rice in the markets. All sorts of restaurants and shops do delivery these days through Uber. Take care, Kat

  3. Hope the rice issue gets resolved by next month! 😉

    1. Jalna, like I told N, on paper the amount of rice is supposedly enough but the distribution is wonky, so no rice in the markets. The other day I was able to buy but only 5 kilo size. Take care, Kat

  4. Wow, hard to believe that there would be rice issues in Japan Kat! Glad you got a bag!

    1. Kirk, on paper it is apparently under control, just wish they could coordinate with each other. Take care, Kat


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