Monday, September 09, 2024


Yesterday, Satoshi wanted to check out Aoyama, Omotesando and other areas for a tour he has coming up.

So we got out early so that we could have breakfast at Crisscross.

I've had this place bookmarked since I saw it back in 2018 when we were walking around after lunch.

Tokyo People: there was a lady with her dog standing in front of the ropes at the entrance, another woman standing in the shade and this guy (photo above)

I asked him if he was standing in line.

He had airpods in his ears, so he answered me super loudly..."huh"

Took one airpod out of his ear and I asked him again.

He answered me in Japanese, "what else would I be standing here for?!"

What a snark!

As we were waiting for them to open, 7 "haoles" came one by one to stand in line with snarky man (at this point there were at least 10 people standing behind me)

Snarky was there to get them a table...

At least there were enough tables for everyone behind us to be seated.

How cute was this bicycle parked in front of the restaurant.
Order by QR code...Satoshi and I both ordered the classic breakfast (toast, salad, bacon and eggs)...1950 yen (tax included)
This also came with soup...with the humidity, luckily it was visshyssoise (cold potato soup)

It was a nice place for breakfast despite the snarky one (we want to check out their lunch menu next)
After breakfast, we went to check out the areas that Satoshi wanted to see.

While he was doing that, I took photos of interesting buildings in the Aoyama Omotesando area.

Le:labo (fragrance)

Near Harajuku, Satoshi went to check out more area and I went to the United Nations University to check out the Farmers Market
Roadster in front of United Nations University

There weren't too many vendors on this day, and it was so hot that I decided to check out other areas of Shibuya instead.
I walked around Miyashita Park while I was waiting for Satoshi to finish
This tunnel that runs under the Yamanote line is painted with vibrant blues...pretty
And then I stumbled on the free interactive Hello Kitty pop up at Tsutaya

So I checked it out....2 minute video here 

Satoshi met me in front of the Hello Kitty pop up and then we went back to Miyashita Park for lunch.

They have a food court, I chose the crunch wrap supreme from Taco Bell

Satoshi chose a poke bowl from Maguro market

It was just nice to sit in air conditioning...

After lunch, I went to buy groceries and headed home.

Satoshi went back out to check out more areas.

It was blazing, super humid but we got to do a lot.

5-7-28 Minamiaoyama
Minato, Tokyo
Open daily: 8:00-21:00


  1. i wonder if that guy was one of the paid "space savers" that I read about. You pay them so you don't have to stand in line.

    1. I've heard of them in Hawaii V, for buying condos, but don't know if they have them here. Take care, Kat

  2. Ugh, how rude. These younguns have no respect! How was the crunch wrap supreme? I always wonder how Taco Bell is in Japan compared to the U.S.

    1. Jenny, I wish he was younger, he was as old or maybe older than me. I thought the filling on the crunch wrap was a bit skimpy. Take care, Kat

  3. What a jerk! More folks seem to be like that nowadays

    1. Sad that more people are like this, Kirk. Take care,Kat


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